c/o 2716 Bernard Rd. Prince George BC Canada V2N 5G1
![Ford Hubcaps[1419].jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/afecb0_4becf83f01444638a3edd664eb143206~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_148,h_168,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Ford%20Hubcaps%5B1419%5D.jpeg)
For Sale
Project car for sale, We have three 59 Biscaynes for sale. One is ready to rebuild and the other two are for parts. We also have lots of new metal parts and rubber. We are asking $3000 obo. Yellow car in shed is project car. Call Chuck 250-971-2326 or email Pglaurkel@gmail.com

1966 Dodge Charger For Sale Aug 11th
Asking $22,500 Car is in Prince George, Call Don at 250 612 2275
Items for sale Aug 11th
For sale left and right front fenders for a 1956 Olds Starfire also the front bumper for sale would like 400,00 for all three parts. Phone 250-635-3547
Looking For Parts Aug 11th.
looking for parts for 1958 Oldsmobile 2dr hard top. Phone 250-635-3547
For Sale July 29
Ford FE motor parts,
have a lot of ford motor parts for sale 390-410-428.if some one needs parts. Phone: 250-981-2953
For Sale July 29
1971 Cougar XR7 Hardtop. Been in dry storage 22 years. 351C/C6 with BC reggy. $1500.00 or offer. 351W lots of machine work done $150.00 2 C6 Trannys $175.00 Lots of free parts etc.
phone no is 250-963-9706
June 27/19
Repair and parts manuals ( Haynes / Motor / Chilton /Factory manuals ford truck ad car)Some still have plastic on them . Costs vary but negotiable. Also ford C-6 Trans fit 289 /one for 390 / another for 460. other various parts including engines ford BB/ FE /Chev 350 4 Bolt / heads / intakes etc. Also I am looking for a std cab 77 to 79 ford pickup / main body bronco 78/79
Contact Dennis @
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